When it's the anniversary of easily the saddest day of one's life, you do all you can to breathe, relax and try to find a laugh somewhere in the day. I'm not going to say any more except play one of his favorites. Nothing better than old men being goofy...
For some reason this week a ton of movie trailers are being released for films I am interested in checking out. Can't let all this trailer goodiness go down with sharing it with all eight of you who read this blog. First, the serious stuff. Countdown to Zero looks right...
First I'm gonna say that this was destined to be a disaster from the start. I think any normal-thinking person would realize that it's hard to navigate 35 moving objects. Maybe sticking 35 kids on a skate ramp was a dump idea. And what's up with Rip van Winkle running...
For months I have been planning a post about my garden. It rocked. I was growing three varieties of basil. I had 8 tomato plants kickin some ass. I had three zucchini plants a growin, plus two squashes to keep them company. Two bell pepper plants, two jalepenos, some swiss...
Here is my column from this week. The games I reviewed were NCAA Football 11 and Sniper: Ghost Warrior.
Here is my column from last week. The games I reviewed were LEGO Harry Potter and Naughty Bear.
Someone, anyone take the telephone away from Mel Gibson. I haven't listened to the tapes, but the stories about them is comical to the hilt. It's almost like he really is his Riggs character from the first Lethal Weapon, all strung out on depression and anger and self-loathing that he...
So it seems that no matter what, every July 8 is going to be my birthday. Stupid calendar. I guess we have to mark the passing of time somehow. And since most everyone knows that I could care less about my birthday (or any other holidays and so forth), I...
30 years ago my favorite movie of all time was released. I'm pissed that I had this whole recap and historical reference post planned, and the friggin NY Times went off and released their own earlier this week. Damn you newspapers with time and budgets and staff to complete it...
I'll apologize right off for the rambling/incoherent nature of this post. It's going to serve double-duty. Because in the span of a week I got to educate myself on the war in Afghanistan in two ways, both profound in their own right.It started with reading Sebastian Junger's new book, War....
Here is my column from two weeks ago. The games I reviewed were Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 and Green Day: Rock Band. Thanks to the Erie Newspapers for publishing, nice to see my column return to that market.
That's right people, I sunk a boat. And it's no game of Battleship, either. I polished off a whole boat of sushi last week. There is this great Asian restaurant that I love, and if you order enough sushi, they don't bring it to you on a tray, they load...