Simple and To The Point

Vote. Please, everyone, vote. My DC vote won't mean a damn thing for Obama (he's winning DC in a cakewalk), but I'm eagerly trying to get everyone to vote for DC Councilmembers who are against opening up Klingle Road. I like having open park spaces in my neigborhood. Screw those...

Clouds of the Family Ilk

I give up. This is the week all my enemies must have been hoping for. If you have been following my travails of the last six days, surely you have seen the humor and darkness that has surrounded me. If there could be something of a culmination, it happened last...

Cloudy Week Ain’t Over Yet

It's Friday. Then end of the work week. And as much as I would love to rejoice in parting of the clouds and the sunshine breaking through to end this week of misery, I still cannot get past the storm. I flew back home to Kentucky last night. It was...

A Silver Lining In The Clouds

I love The Office. It's just a great show, and it's black comedy is of the highest order. And the new HR chief they brought in is fantastic, just for the fact that she's Michael only with breasts. It's great. I'm just posting one of the deleted scenes because it...

Dark Cloud of Shame

There are times when my friend Kelly bags on me for being from Kentucky. Most of the time he's just a petty child who hates that his Cincinnati Bearcats suck. Plus, all Cincinnati residents are weaned to believe that Kentucky is the seventh circle of hell (for Kentuckians, its Indiana)....

Clouds Still Here

The week is continuing its downward spiral. Today came word that someone stole laptops and possibly other things from my office. As far as I know nothing of mine was taken, but two people from my team had their laptops snatched. Not cool.I'm not saying that our office is Fort...

Showing a Different Side

This week I decided to show you a different direction of some of my photography. Up to this point I have only been sharing with you all my HDR slideshows, but I want to reassure the viewing public that I am not a one-trick pony. Because there is nothing more...

Dress Like Palin

Lord knows I don't need any of the women I know to start resembling the "diva" and "whack job" as McCain advisors are declaring her, but if you would like to see how much that $150K can get you, head over to this site. There, you can dress like Sarah...

Cloud Moving In?

Sometimes you can just feel a bad week coming.Started this morning when I was talking to a co-worker and someone came into the kitchen and said the infamously shite line, "Looks like you have a case of the Mondays." I only wished I had a bobcat to sic on her....

Nice ‘Scar’ Dumbass

OK, now this is getting a little ridiculous. This girl from Texas (big effing surprise) who worked for the McCain campaign in New York before volunteering for its efforts in Pennsylvania, reported that she had been mugged a couple days ago by a tall, lurking black man while going to...

April in Paris, Part 2

So spending a week in Paris means I spent a lot of time behind the camera. It's just such a wonderful city to get to photograph, meaning I had a lot to choose from when editing down my photos. I liked so much from what I did, this week I...

Good Thinking, Kid

My neighborhood is constantly crawling with families. I'm not a big kid person myself, but when you live a couple hundred yards from the National Zoo, you can barely open your mouth to utter a curse word without a kid being with in earshot. Today was a bit different, though....