Trailer Love

I'm showing off two trailers today that are geared toward the wife but for two wholly different reasons.First up is the trailer for One for the Money. The wife reads these Janet Evananonconcnnovovnivich books like I read UK recruiting news, which is scary since it means I probably have a...

Game On: Week of Sept. 30

My recent column reviewing Resistance 3 and Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine. Thanks to the Seattle Times and ABC Action News for publishing.

Idiot of the Day

Yes, I think the lottery is stupid and wasteful thing. The odds are so stacked against you in the hopes of winning that I'd rather have people save that money or do something, anything more useful than just handing it over at the counter of some shitty corner store. But...

Cobblings from My Memories

I'm reluctant to give up comfortable T-shirts. It's rare to find a shirt that fits you just right and is super comfortable at the same time. It's even better when, as you retire shirts from the public, the truly good ones live a long afterlife as shirts to do yard...

My Anniversary

Today is the wife and I's fourth anniversary. This may not be the most inspirational clip, but it makes the both of us laugh and she's convinced deep down that this is what I am like with all my friends. I'm not saying I disagree. Fruit is the four-year gift...

King of Corn

The good fellas who make up Campbler's Tooth won the 2011 Summer Cornhole League last week. We went 11-1 in the regular season and pretty much dominated the competition. It helped that half the teams featured people who had a hard time even getting the bag close to the board...

What I’ve Read: Mayflower

The subhead for this book is: A Story of Courage, Community and War. This could not be more true when it comes to the story of those first 100 pilgrims who took a three-month boat ride from England to Plymouth. Philbrick uses the courage, community and war as a way...

Game On: Week of Sept. 23

My recent column reviewing Gears of War 3. Thanks to the Seattle Times for publishing.

What I’ve Read: Isaac’s Storm

Prepare yourselves for some book review overload. One of the pleasures of vacations is disconnecting from the computer and reading a book. In my case, three of them. First up, Isaac's Storm. This could not have come at a more opportune moment for me to read. About halfway through the...

Friday Funnies

A bonus edition of Friday Funnies for you, where I'm showing more movie bloopers that I find funny. This time, it's from Star Wars, where George Lucas apparently didn't digitally redo everything in the movies because he forgot about his too-tall storm trooper. If you don't think it's funny on...