OK, I have a little bit of a soft-spot for animated movies. Not all of them mind you (Toy Story, Monsters, Inc., Care Bears, and many others I cannot stand), but I’d be a lying fool if I said I didn’t have some that I truly enjoy watching. The Incredibles, for one, is just hilarious and well done (Edna Mode is a classic character). Bee Movie was surprisingly entertaining. Wall-E, The Simpsons Movie, Finding Nemo, Wallace and Gromit, Nightmare Before Christmas. Stuff that seems like a kids movie but has a great bent of humor for adults to enjoy.

Now, I won’t say this movie is going to out-and-out hilarious, but based on the cast roster (not your usual assortment of A-listers getting a fat check) and this funny trailer, it looks like it has Incredibles-like promise. I think the comical play on classic monsters has some solid potential.