They are calling it The Mangasm.

A movie that action fans have always wondered about: What kind of movie would you make if you got all the action movie stars from three generations of movies and put them together? Well, we are about to find out.

I mean, check out this roster of people starring in this movie called The Expendables:

Sylvester Stallone
Dolph Lundgren
Jet Li
Jason Statham
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Steve Austin
Eric Roberts
Mickey Rourke
Danny Trejo
Bruce Willis
Terry Crews
Randy Couture

The only ones they are missing are Jean-Claude Van Damme, Steven Seagal, Chuck Norris and Michael Dudikoff. But you gotta respect that lineup above. Plus, you know this movie is going to break any and every record for bad one-liners and unintentional comedy. Heavy PED usage to make old men looked ripper? You betcha. Stretched and tightened skin with leathery tans? Sure ‘nough. Awful looking haircuts? Check. Bad metal music? Trailer already has you covered. The only thing that’s missing for me is if Billy Zabka shows turns out to be the mastermind of the whole thing.

Anyway, this movie is comical beyond belief, and while I probably won’t spend the money to see it in the theaters (unless there is copious amounts of alcohol consumed beforehand), this has instant classic written all over it. Check out the trailer, and be prepared for laughter.