Well, it had to happen eventually. I was getting fed up with not getting enough running in, and after several months of not getting out there enough, it was time to hit the pavement and start getting back into running shape.About a month ago, I found my motivation. The Takoma...
Two bits of bad news I got Thursday. 1) Steve Carrell says that next season is most likely his last on The Office. 2) Paramount, in all their infinite wisdom, passed on making Anchorman 2. Because the first one was total shit. Of course. Anyway, to make myself feel better,...
Tonight I'm going to see one of my favorite bands live. I got into Frightened Rabbit about three years ago when my buddy Dan gave me one of their albums. I've been hooked on them ever since and since they are a Scottish band, the times when they actually come...
I have a ton of CDs. I love music, and listen to it all the time. I'm pretty much game for anything except for that shitty-ass country music that makes me want to kick a twangy-singing fool in the throat. And since my very first CD that I bought way...
By now those close to me know that something really awful happened to me Monday night. For legal reasons it's best, for now, that I don't give any opinions about it. So for the time being, those who want to know what happened, here is a link to the police...
Here is my column from last week. The games I reviewed were WarioWare D.I.Y. and Red Steel 2. Plus, this is the second time I have seen my column recently published in the Seattle Times. Nice to see my column breaking into a new market.
Here is my column from a few weeks' back. The games reviewed were Just Cause 2 and MotoGP 09/10.
Looks like Coach Cal got busted. This would have never happened if the recruit was a poodle.Kentucky Violated NCAA Rules While Recruiting Basketball-Playing Dog
Because it's been that kinda week, and apparently not only for me. I talked to two friends on the phone this week and they sounded like The Man was coming down pretty hard on them and that looming deadlines, inefficient staff and projects with no seeming end were piling up....
Yeah, that's how I am introducing myself to people at the moment. And why? Because it's certainly no bullshit.I won a Pulitzer Prize today. Weird to read that, isn't? Yeah, I know, I haven't quite wrapped my head around it, either. But it's real.You see, back in late-November, a former...
I've missed a couple weeks of posting some Friday Funnies and I apologize. I'll make it up this week by posting a couple clips from one of my new favorite shows, Party Down. If you haven't seen it, I urge you to check it out. You can even stream it...
This is pretty gnarly. This kid got his kneecap shattered and still made the throw to get the guy out. (The X-Ray of his knee is on the right). Well done, sir. At least he made the play before getting carted off. Me, I didn't even get in the game....