
Today begins my seventh year that I'm working with Bill on the Spelling Bee. It's been a job we started doing back when we both worked at Scripps, and even though we both left that place years ago, we've found a nice little sidejob taking photos for all these newspapers...

Scorched Earth

Besides kicking some ass and posting my first sub-90 golf round of the year, I spent most of the Memorial Day weekend engaged in what the wife and I called the Scorched Earth campaign. This is our first Spring in the house, and so we were curious how quickly the...

Idiot of the Day XV

Yep, that is someone's shoe partially consumed by the Metro Center escalator. Now, when I was a kid, my grandmother once chided me quite harshly in public because I was one of those kids who thought escalators were fun and should be played on all the time when parents are...

What I’ve Read: The Foie Gras Wars

Keeping up with my tradition of reading nonfiction books about strange, singular food topics, my mother gave me The Foie Gras Wars as a gift, and so of course I had to read it. It's probably the most open and least aggressive food book I have read in terms of...

Game On: Week of May 20

My column from last week. I reviewed the game Alan Wake and Lost Planet 2.

Game On: Week of May 13

My column from a couple weeks ago. I reviewed Iron Man 2 and Super Street Fighter IV.

Friday Funnies

Last weekend when Luke was in town, it was discovered he had never seen the hilarious Dramatic Chipmunk videos. Once we loaded it up on the ole iPhone, he went into a laughing fit that only better better described as a full-bore belly spasm. His face went red, he laughed...

Idiot of the Day XIV

Walking to the grocery store yesterday, I found myself behind this lady. Look, I don't have a problem with people doing crazy things to their hair. I put some high-priced, naturally made fancy stuff to make myself look as awesome as I do. But I had to do a double-take...

Mmm, Ribs

So yesterday I smoked three racks of ribs. Jamaican jerk BBQ style. Damn tasty if you ask me. Plus, everyone there seemed equally satisfied with the results. In any case, it took no time for a few of the participants to get uber-sleepy. It may have been that they started...

Bye, Bye Banks … Until Another Day

One of my best photo experiences ever coincided with being in NYC and shooting one of my favorite things to watch, skateboarding. Kelly and I went to NYC a couple years ago and went with Eric to the Brooklyn Banks, this kickass spot under the Brooklyn Bridge that is a...