Greening My Mother

Hey, bringing back an old favorite of the blog, where I pass along a helpful link or idea that is rather earth-friendly in the hopes of swaying my mother into the 21st century. She recently got an iPhone, which is something massive to celebrate because it means she has a...

Game On: Week of June 22

My recent column reviewing Dragon's Dogma and Sorcery. Thanks to the Toledo Blade for publishing.  

My Schoolwork

I’m well into my second class of my yearlong online digital media skills course, but I thought I’d share with you one of the projects from my first class. We had to create a movie poster based on a self-portrait or some kind of biopic idea. The object was to...

My Question to the Police

Look, I love my Takoma Park Police Department. They helped me out in my big time of need, and have recently kicked some ass by making some nice arrests related to a string of burglaries in the neighborhood. But I gotta ask about this cop’s back windshield. A whole collection...

Friday Funnies

I love me some bad cases of extreme over-acting. And these are some of the best I could find, and they are funny just because we are supposed to revere these actors as masters of their craft.

What I’ve Read: To The Last Breath

Gotta give quick props to the new job on this latest book that I read. It was featured in a book review in the first issue of the magazine that I worked on. And when the reviewer gave it back to the office and it was available to anyone for...

Idiot of the Day

I value my train ride into the office each morning. I want peace and quiet. I guess if I really wanted it I would drive a car and be alone, but I care about the planet and all that jazz. So instead, all I want is to read my book...

Getting Back in the Groove, v3

A few weeks ago I once again dusted off the running shoes and participated in the TKPK5K, my one solitary effort to run for more than 10 feet and simultaneously benefit my community. OK, so maybe that is a tad of a stretch. As opposed to last year's disastrous idea...

Friday Funnies

Not a good week for laughs. So I'll just put up a commercial that made me laugh when I first saw it. And I know Klondike could have pulled this off (and he had a way better haircut and a much better bark than that poodle did).

Idiot of the Day

Let's all say it together ... doughnut. It's called a doughnut, you idiot. Good grief. Is there anything stressful about this situation that would cause someone to blank this much? Hope we don't have to see how he handles an oval office meeting when he can't identify the nation on...