I guess I should rename this post series "Screwed in DC" or something along those lines. I may be technically moving to Maryland, but my love for DC does end even if my new house is three blocks from the district line. One thing I will be gaining, however, is...
So I set off this morning to do a good deed for the day, and my mom (as if on cue) came right in with a solid. She forwarded me this e-mail about how telemarketers at the end of month were going to start blasting my cell phone with sales...
I've not posted anything in a couple days, but don't you worry, I am going to go nuts on this space soon. Every day I find about 4 more things to write about, and I just have not had time yet to get it all out of me, but I...
So many years ago, a buddy of mine Dave gave me a business card with a simple word on it, "bullshit." I still have it, and I like to throw it out on a table when the occasion arrives that calls for it. Well, walking around DC the over the...
At first glance, you'd think this was Kelly's fridge. But it's actually mine. The wife and I had a few problems with our fridge and so we had to completely empty it and defrost the sucker. Meant we lost a lot of good food, which was a shame. Among the...
Kelly has gotten some mileage with Dan and I about UK's new coach and his potential troubles. Luckily, now that more of the facts have come out and people have chilled out a bit, it looks like us in UK Land might be OK. Not sure yet, but might is...
There is no denying that I am staunchly against the death penalty. There is nothing good about state-sanctioned killing of its own citizens. I just don't believe. Plus, you take the data saying that a disproportionate number of death row inmates are black versus the crimes they commit and you...
Looks like we have to scratch Little Bennett off our regular golf course schedule. Saturday the weather was awesome, and so Douglass, Dan and I hit the links. On many levels we just knew that the round was going to be a bad one. We didn't get to warm up...
I could write quite a bit about why my favorite band should just go ahead and call it quits. Sometimes, you just need to know when your time has passed. Or, at the very least, when things are not what they were. But to keep trudging out there only makes...
I spent way more hours putting this thing together than I thought I would have to, but at long last Tuesday night I put the finishing touches on it. And now in another couple hours I will go and start introducing myself to whomever shows up and see what people...