I must say, the wife and I have had some spirited conversations about the current economic crisis, especially as it pertains to homeowners. We are not on polar extremes, mind you, we just have subtle differences about how things play out. She tends to lean a bit more toward the...
I hate hearing/reading/seeing anything about Joe the (I don't pay my taxes and haven't fixed a thing in years) Plumber. Can't stand him, but it's hilarious that Republicans keep propping him up.Luckily, he got a warm reception by all of 11 people here in DC to promote his book. Love...
I woke up several times last night, checking on the snowfall. The wife and I desperately wanted a snow day. We have these great sleds and wanted to go to the giant hill behind our building and enjoy the first really good sledding snow of the season. Plus, the dog...
It's no Rodney King, mind you, but it's pretty gnarly watching a cop beat up a girl just for flicking her shoe at him. There's no audio, but I doubt she said anything he hadn't heard before.
I'm about to restart my paper challenge. Going to hold on to another month's worth of recyclable white paper, newspaper, magazines and stuff so I can see how I am doing in reducing my consumption and impact. Before March gets here, I am going to give you all some solutions...
I'm an active contributer and helper to the We campaign, one of the many initiatives to help fight global warming. One of the new partners in this fight is Reality.org (which has a bitchin' logo ... damn I wish I had thought of that). One of its new commercials is...
If there was ever a time to appreciate my telecommute day, it is this week. Because I get to go to the bathroom. Hold on, let me explain.Each week during this month, a different floor in my office building is having the bathrooms remodeled. So this week we have to...
Alright, we're getting there. Of course, I was not aware that this could most likely end up being a Supreme Court matter. And we know how full of equal justice sense they are.
Looks like this will be my last post from Maui. I still have several hours left here before I head to the airport and the reverse trip from hell back to DC, where apparently it will be 40 degrees, snowy, rainy and windy as we land. Brilliant.I will miss this...
Hell yes. I saw a couple whales breach today. And I got the sequence of one of them (pictured above) to prove it. Awesome. And let me tell you, it was breathtaking to see in person. Today was my first-ever time on a boat. Well, a boat that was not...